I started hearing rumblings about TellaPharro a little while into covering the Namaste events. And as usual, I was late to the party. He has shared the stage with Mr. Namaste numerous times, and it is always hugely entertaining.

My description of him, with the limited knowledge I have, is as an outspoken bad boy rock star. He has a unique and dramatic stage presence often involving extravagant, colorful capes and an electric guitar.

The things that he writes on his feed are brutally honest and keeps you laughing, if the truth doesn’t hurt too much.

His wife, KCPharro, is a performer also, and together they run NerdyT Productions. When they perform with Mr . Namaste, it is a collaboration as they are not members of Namaste Productions.

The first time I saw TellaPharro perform was during a PZONE event. I didn’t know what to expect, but the song that he chose to perform surprised me. At the time, I thought there is more to this bad boy than meets the eye! See if you agree. The song is on the next page.

This is what he had to say about working with Mr. Namaste, “Working with my Big Head Brother, Liati Namaste, first off he pioneered the circus funk show, a collection of great imvu talent collaborating with different sounds and and visual effects his team works together to perform shows unmatchable by any virtual team on the game. In the beginning, I was assigned all the wild crazy shit that pushed my imagination to the nerdiness I incorporated into my own style. We have worked on countless projects and he always gave me full control of performances.Everybody that call themselves a performer should make it a goal to work with Namaste Xperience, if only for one night.”

TellaPharro is the winner of the 2024 PZONE BET Award for Rock & Roll Rock Star of IMVU and KCPharro won the award for Best YouTube Videos of the Year!

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TellaPharro & KCPharro

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