MrsAl3xusDeVaughn is no longer performing with Namaste Productions, but she performed with them for many years and is responsible for introducing me to the Namaste Xperience.

She is an exceptional talent herself when it comes to performing and also creating. She has a line of female clothing that is trendy, sexy, colorful, and often elegant. I consider her a dear friend and her opinion of Mr. Namaste, even after being away from his productions for some time now is telling about the man himself.

“Mr. Liati Namaste is VERY creative, awe-inspiring, and dedicated to his entertainment company.

His amazing work consistantly surpasses expectations with his exceptional talent. He’s ambitious with a strong desire to please the crowd and achieve success. He motivates people to continue to improve on their talent. He is open to letting his performers show their hearts in their performances and is always there for constructive criticism.

His shows can be so captivating they bring people to tears. Liati deserves to be known as the pioneer of performance companies, laying the groundwork for many others to join in. Cheers and high honors to him!”

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