Back in 2022 when I first began following Namaste Productions, Liati and CeCe were just beginning to date. They appeared to be a powerful couple in the making. I was honored to be invited to a birthday party CeCe was throwing for Mr. Namaste.

It was the first of many experiences where I would come to know first hand how loved Mr. Namaste is by his friends and family. The first song sung by CeCe that night told the story of their new love. Some should think again, as she sang. She is now Mrs. Namaste!

At the time, CeCe had been performing with Namaste Productions for about two months when I asked her what it was like to work with Mr. Namaste.

She giggled and said, “He is absolutely adorable, he knows what he doing and he has visions, he is definitely a director fasho. He cares about what his production crew thinks and he listens to what they want to do and he helps put it together. He is patient.“

She giggled some more. “I know because I am new, he has helped me to improve on my performance, which is a big help to me. In short, I appreciate The Namaste Xperience.”

Her favorite thing about performing with Namaste Productions is, “I think it would be the performers and their performances. They are outstanding people to work with, they are professional and know exactly what they are doing and the fact that they work together to create amazing shows.”

Before becoming involved with Mr. Namaste, CeCe had already made a name for herself within the IMVU Instagram community as hostess of the popular CeCe Smith Broadcast. Now in 2024, she has expanded her services to the IMVU community to include advertising, and she lovingly does this advertising for free!

Her stream is always abuzz with the latest news about upcoming events and exciting parties. CeCe also frequently puts up posters to highlight the birthdays of family and friends and solicits prayers from her followers when needed.

It is a joy to read her stream, always filled with positive vibrations, congratulations and encouragement. Mrs. Namaste is the winner of the 2024 PZONE BET Her Award and together, Mr. and Mrs. Namaste won the 2024 PZONE BET Award for Best Open Mic that is held on many Wednesday nights where you can see veteran talent perform as well as discover brand new talent! A great example is my ex-wife, Lynnessa.

She was excited to perform at their open mic. I gave her a hard time about that first performance, but CeCe, Liati, and the audience that night were so supportive and enthusiastic about her performance, it made up for my lack of enthusiasm. She was discovered that night and wound up becoming a member of PZONE later. She is the 2024 PZONE BET Award winner for Best New Artist Female!

CeCe is strong in who she is with some down home Mississippi roots, generous of spirit, and someone you want to have on your side. I’m honored to call her my friend.
I asked if she would collaborate with MVU on sponsoring the Alpha Shopping Mall when I was still working hard to make it a reality and she said yes!

There is a CeCe Smith Broadcast space at the Mall to visit with a kiosk that takes you to her Instagram page.

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Mrs. CeCe S Namaste

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